Sunday, August 06, 2006


My mind just created its twin
and they're playing tug-of-war
how I wish one would just win
they're identical, but never concur.

One is here, other is there
and they are both getting stronger
one is happy and the other gloomy
I can feel the increasing polarity.

While one is loving, but despaired
the other loathes, but is inspired.
I know not which one lies, I see
not which one is a friend of mine.

The game goes on and on
can't they sing the same song
be of the same stripe and kind
oh, the ambivalence of my mind.

Contradiction and chaos are integral part of my life. I built this poem around the first two lines because I liked the idea of twin and tug-of-war applied to my mind.

1 comment:

ori0nis said...

nicely put !! the state of mind we often find ourselves in... ;)